There are more than 700 manor houses in Denmark. The landscape of the Danish countryside is a manorial landscape shaped by and with the estates, which for centuries have been the primary driving force in rural areas.
Today, the main buildings in all their splendor still dwell in the landscape as testaments to the substantial historical significance of the estates. However, the role and cultural heritage of the manor houses have, in many ways, been forgotten. Most people have likely seen their local castle or manor house from the outside but do not know the place, its history, or the impact the estates have had over centuries. The manor houses constitute an important part of our shared history, having been crucial for both nature and culture in every local community.
The goal of the Day of the Danish Manor Houses is to open manor houses, gardens and manorial landscapes across the country to a broad audience on the third Sunday in August, thereby creating renewed awareness of the forgotten cultural heritage of the manor houses.
See the current program for the Day of the Danish Manor Houses (in Danish).
The Day of the Danish Manor Houses is established and organized by Gammel Estrup, the Danish Manor & Estate Museum.
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